I was a social media intern for the last year at Root Sports. I was in charge of looking on Twitter for different hashtags and picking different tweets for them to use in game. I enjoyed everyday when I was at Root I learn so much of how to be a great sports reporter. I miss this internship a lot and wouldn't mind one day working at a place like that.
I also got another great opportunity last year by going to London for spring break with the university to learn about how their media is different than the way we have it here. Spending a week a big city like London I learned that their were many similar tactics but also many different tactics that they use to publish their news.
I use social media everyday for the most part. My Twitter page has everything about sports. I retweet or tweet about all kinds of sports. My Facebook page I am on everyday. I am on their mostly to keep in touch with all my family and friends since I have family all across the country.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is the traditional news outlet where I mostly get my news especially my local news. I go on their website frequently to get my local news and everything I need to know about the three major sports teams in Pittsburgh. I think they are an accurate news paper and keeps their website up to date and easy to navigate.
The non-traditional news outlet I go to a lot is Yahoo. I go one Yahoo if their is any big national news story that I am following and I go on their to check about different sports. I use yahoo sports a lot for all my fantasy teams news.
Thats about all the interesting stuff about me. Hope that was a good way to start the semester.
One of my favorite pictures from my internship.
This is my favorite picture I took while I was in London.